Jenelle: The Author
Jenelle has always loved to write. Writing has been a form of expression for her. It has always been an outlet whether angry, sad, happy or confused. Give her a good journal and hours of worship music and she's in pen zen. As a child she loved writing poems and short stories. She had her first poem published when she was 15 years old.
What she didn't know was writing is actually a part of her calling. Jenelle heard God whisper: The Worship Writer: the words that flow from her worship is what brings healing; to herself and those who will read her words.
Jenelle has been anointed by God with the gift of exhortation through writing. She has been given the ability to express truth in a written form; a form that can edify, instruct and strengthen those who read her writings.
From time to time, I share some of my writings with you all. But this right here, challenged me. Last year, while falling asleep, God gave me the title for a devotional book. He then told me to open myself up and share intimate writings from my #QTWJ aka Quiet Time with Jesus.
From my heart to Yours, is just that. Me writing what’s on my heart and sharing it with My Father. This book is available on Amazon but if you would like an autograph copy, you can purchase your copy here (Modelthat Lifestyle and Boutique) and I’ll personalize it for you.
These are just a few of the books that Jenelle has lent her creative gifting to: